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This season of global shutdown has so many lessons enbedded in it. Among which one of the most profound insight for Agripreneurs and business owners generally is to explore more avenues of making money from their business.

Before now, traditional approach to increasing revenue in most agri-businesses (especially) in Nigeria were usually tied to business activities that can only be carried out physically. 

But at times like these when covid 19 pandemic is challenging all the physical structures of doing business, it has become imperative to have online structures that can keep money flowing in.

Here are 5 ways to creating Online income streams in your Agribusiness.

1)Online Orders and sales:

Having online platforms where customers can make enquiries and place their orders which results into sales is very essential.

However, you must also be ready to listen and respond to feed backs from them.
Examples of these platforms includes social media, and websites.

2) Recorded Trainings : Physical trainings that formally took place on the farm or production site or offices can be recorded and sold to people that are interested in learning without leaving their home.

3) E-Trainings : There are some trainings that can be carried out in a paid online class. Some people prefer this type of training as it gives room for questions at every stage of the process.

4) E-books: you can decide to write an e-book about your niche or field. Or you could write a book that addresses certain challenges peculiar to your field and offer solutions that have worked for you. You would be making impact and money at the

5)Virtual Consulting: If you are used to traveling down to your clients farm or factory before you can offer your expert opinion then you need to start embracing virtual ways to doing that.

Virtual consulting can be done through different tools such as what app audio and video calls, zoom calls etc. Your knowledge and not necessarily your presence is needed.

If you got value, please let me know in the comment section. Thank you.

©Jumoke Ayeni


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