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Never before in the history of Agriculture  has there been such a backlog of farm produce yet to be purchased. 

Poultry farmers with lots of eggs unsold, fish farmers with fishes unsold and still consuming feed at the farmers expense. This comes as a result of thelockdown. 

Prior to this time, buyers and wholesalers buy large quantities directly from the farm  and also distribute the produce to retailers and or consumers. 

However, movement and commercial activities have become  restricted because of the lockddown and stay at home practices. 

Cause of the backlog

Most offices are yet to resume fully. Children are schooling from home, thanks to online school. 

So the sales of some farm produce like eggs are reducing.

This is not because there is no demand. But rather due to the fact that demand has moved from its usual location (offices, school ,churches etc) to mostly residential areas. 

However, this change may have a permanent effect on the location of demand as most small businesses will continue to work from home even after this is over. 

While the bigger companies will tend to have more of their staffs working from home with only a small percentage resuming physically in the office. 

 Outreach unit 

Therefore it is important for farms that have EXCEEDED the demands of their neighborhood, to have an OUTREACH Unit or department . 

This unit will be responsible for identifying major residential places where there is demand, arranging logistics for convening the goods, marketing and data collection of customers. 

More so, all farm staffs should be trained to become marketers as this will help in the sustaining the farm. 

This is because the days where buyers troop to farms to clear all farm produce and products may not be back for a while. 

Bridging the gap between the farm and final consumers will greatly determine the success of any  farm in the nearest future.

Reaching out to your customers becomes important. 

You can join our Facebook Community where Buying and Selling of farm produce occurs through this link

Jumoke Ayeni 


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